Alert: Over 178,000 SonicWall Firewalls Potentially Vulnerable to Exploits

Jan 16, 2024NewsroomVulnerability / Network Security Over 178,000 SonicWall firewalls exposed over the internet are exploitable to at least one of the two security flaws that could be potentially exploited to cause a denial-of-service (DoS) condition and remote code execution (RCE). “The two issues are fundamentally the same but exploitable at different HTTP URI paths…

As a Teenager, Clinton Sparks Resorted to Street Crime in Order to Survive. Now He’s a Music Producer Who Has Sold Millions of Records With Beyonce, Lil Jon and More. Here’s How He Turned Personal Turmoil Into Triumph.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. With his inspiring journey from a difficult childhood to success in the music industry, Clinton Sparks shared valuable insights and lessons learned along the way. One of the key takeaways from the interview was the emphasis on relationships and building relationship capital. Clinton Sparks highlighted the significance…

Inferno Malware Masqueraded as Coinbase, Drained $87 Million from 137,000 Victims

Jan 16, 2024NewsroomCryptocurrency / Cyber Threat The operators behind the now-defunct Inferno Drainer created more than 16,000 unique malicious domains over a span of one year between 2022 and 2023. The scheme “leveraged high-quality phishing pages to lure unsuspecting users into connecting their cryptocurrency wallets with the attackers’ infrastructure that spoofed Web3 protocols to trick…