Hackers Exploit Zero-Day Bugs in Draytek Devices to Target Enterprise Networks

Cybersecurity researchers with Qihoo 360’s NetLab today unveiled details of two recently spotted zero-day cyberattack campaigns in the wild targeting enterprise-grade networking devices manufactured by Taiwan-based DrayTek. According to the report, at least two separate groups of hackers exploited two critical remote command injection vulnerabilities (CVE-2020-8515) affecting DrayTek Vigor enterprise switches, load-balancers, routers and VPN…

Adapting Architectural Design Processes for Remote Work

The fields of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) have always thrived on collaborative design. From building information modeling to architectural rendering, designing the built environment takes a combination of different perspectives and skills.

Evolving the Way We Work During a Crisis

Automation and artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, real-time collaboration, 5G, privacy concerns, web-scale data, cybercrime: These are just some of the technology-driven developments shaping the way many of us work.

The unprecedented global challenges we are facing today–at least for the immediate future due to the COVID-19 health crisis–are accelerating this evolution of work. Innovation is often driven out of crisis and can lead to permanent change in the way businesses function.