2021 Trends in Supply Chain Technology

This post is part of G2’s 2021 digital trends series. Read more about G2’s perspective on digital transformation trends in an introduction from Michael Fauscette, G2’s chief research officer and Tom Pringle, VP, market research, and additional coverage on trends identified by G2’s analysts.

How Does Your AD Password Policy Compare to NIST’s Password Recommendations?

End-user passwords are one of the weakest components of your overall security protocols. Most users tend to reuse passwords across work and personal accounts. They may also choose relatively weak passwords that satisfy company password policies but can be easily guessed or brute-forced. Your users may also inadvertently use breached passwords for their corporate account…

2021 Trends in Supply Chain Technology

This post is part of G2’s 2021 digital trends series. Read more about G2’s perspective on digital transformation trends in an introduction from Michael Fauscette, G2’s chief research officer and Tom Pringle, VP, market research, and additional coverage on trends identified by G2’s analysts.