Pavegen, which harvests energy and data from footsteps, secures crowd and Hinduja Group funding – TechCrunch

Pavegen, a UK startup which harvests energy from people’s footsteps and also tracks that data, has raised £2.6m on its crowdfunding push having doubled its initial £950k target. The campaign secured funds from over 1,400 investors, including partnership and anchor investment from major global engineering conglomerate Hinduja Group and family investment firm Tamar Capital. The…

Console makers warn Trump that tariffs could cost US gamers up to $840M

Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft collaborated on an open letter protesting the Trump administrations’s controversial proposition on Chinese tariffs. They warn that the worst case scenario would be that game consoles, are on the proposed product list, would get even more expensive. The letter, addressed to Joseph Barloon, General Counsel to the US Trade Representative, was written in response to the request…