How breaking down a medicine to its atomic parts can help fight counterfeits

The trafficking of counterfeit and illegal medicines is a growing global challenge, with many criminal organizations involved and huge amounts of cash changing hands. In our recent research, we propose a new method for testing and tracing illegal counterfeit medicines. The solution is nuclear. Counterfeit medicines are attractive to criminals. They have high-profit margins, with…

How to Defend Against Malware, Phishing, and Scams During COVID-19 Crisis

As if the exponential rise in phishing scams and malware attacks in the last five years wasn’t enough, the COVID-19 crisis has worsened it further. The current scenario has given a viable opportunity to cybercriminals to find a way to target individuals, small and large enterprises, government corporations. According to Interpol’s COVID-19 Cybercrime Analysis Report,…

Best SEO Articles of 2020

2020 wasn’t the best year for most of us. A lot of businesses went under which led to a lot of clients from all industries churning. However, a great thing came about because of a crisis like the pandemic – business owners and entrepreneurs realized the importance of going digital, being accessible to all their…

This AI is playing an infinite bass solo on YouTube

If Frank Zappa’s endless guitar solos somehow leave your earbuds craving more, music-hackers Dadabots are here to satisfy your auditory desires. The team of CJ Carr and Zack Zukowski recently used a recurrent neural network (RNN) to generate an infinite bass solo that they’re live-streaming on YouTube. The duo trained their neural network on a two-hour improvised bass solo by musician…

How to Defend Against Malware, Phishing, and Scams During COVID-19 Crisis

As if the exponential rise in phishing scams and malware attacks in the last five years wasn’t enough, the COVID-19 crisis has worsened it further. The current scenario has given a viable opportunity to cybercriminals to find a way to target individuals, small and large enterprises, government corporations. According to Interpol’s COVID-19 Cybercrime Analysis Report,…