How To Lower Your Risk With A Conservative Covered Call Approach On 3 Strong Buy Dividend-Paying ETFs

Selling covered calls on conservative dividend paying ETFs can lower your risk but still provide real returns for astute investors and traders. – StockNews The recent drop in 10-year Treasury yields back well below the 4% level has made dividend paying stocks comparatively more attractive once again. The fact the Fed is nearer the…

Lawyers see crypto regulation coming in 2023 because industry needs to rebuild trust • TechCrunch

Despite an uneven year in the crypto markets, many market participants are unperturbed about the long-term health of the sector and say that legal frameworks in 2023 could restore trust in the industry.  “Crypto will recover,” Katherine Dowling, general counsel member at Bitwise Asset Management, said to TechCrunch. “This is not the death of crypto.”…