AR headsets promise new enterprise productivity, but can the startups building them survive? – TechCrunch

Just as the bluetooth headset ushered in an era of hands-free calling, AR startups are trying to convince manufacturing startups that AR headsets will bring new efficiencies with hands-free computing. As Magic Leap and Microsoft have dropped hundreds of millions trying to spend their way into new tech modalities for enterprise customers, smaller players are…

Get MATLAB-savvy & push the boundaries of data science with this $29 bundle

Machine learning and data modeling are some heady topics. Thankfully, forward-thinking developers have been creating environments tailored to making these data-driven, not-for-the-meek disciplines a bit more manageable.  One of those is the popular MATLAB (Matrix Labratory), a self-contained programming language and environment that specializes in data analysis. Aerospace and defense contractors use it prototype and…