Chinese Hackers Exploit VMware Zero-Day to Backdoor Windows and Linux Systems

Jun 14, 2023Ravie LakshmananZero-Day / Network Security The Chinese state-sponsored group known as UNC3886 has been found to exploit a zero-day flaw in VMware ESXi hosts to backdoor Windows and Linux systems. The VMware Tools authentication bypass vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-20867 (CVSS score: 3.9), “enabled the execution of privileged commands across Windows, Linux, and PhotonOS…

Want to Improve Employee Performance? What New Research Suggests May Surprise You.

3. Ditch burnout culture in favor of work-life fit Though not the top concern, employees still report burnout drivers — inflexible, longer work hours, and excessive workloads — as major contributors to worsening mental health.2 But providing flexibility isn’t so simple when running a company that requires in-person work or customer service during open hours.…