Singapore’s Largest Healthcare Group Hacked, 1.5 Million Patient Records Stolen

Singapore’s largest healthcare group, SingHealth, has suffered a massive data breach that allowed hackers to snatch personal information on 1.5 million patients who visited SingHealth clinics between May 2015 and July 2018. SingHealth is the largest healthcare group in Singapore with 2 tertiary hospitals, 5 national specialty , and eight polyclinics. According to an advisory…

XRP is digital fiat, not real cryptocurrency

In the lead-up to the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) critical decision on whether digital tokens are securities, CEOs EOS of digital asset investment firms are really giving it to Ripple’s native cryptocurrency, XRP – claiming it’s really just digital fiat. Most of the criticism centers on the role the centralized nature of the…

AnyVision AI startup locks in $28M for its body and facial recognition tech – TechCrunch

As image recognition advances continue to accelerate, startups with a mind towards security applications are seeing some major interest to turn surveillance systems more intelligent. AnyVision is working on face, body and object recognition tech and the underlying system infrastructure to help companies deploy smart cameras for various purposes. The tech works when deployed on most…