Etherscan rushes to plug vulnerabilities following strange hacking attempts overnight

Etherscan, the most widely used Ethereum blockchain explorer, has quickly patched security vulnerabilities overnight as hackers exploited certain parts of its service. Hackers successfully manipulated the Disqus API – a third-party service used by Etherscan that allows for comments to be left on Ethereum wallet addresses. They were able to execute a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack…

New Bluetooth Hack Affects Millions of Devices from Major Vendors

Yet another bluetooth hacking technique has been uncovered. A highly critical cryptographic vulnerability has been found affecting some Bluetooth implementations that could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker in physical proximity of targeted devices to intercept, monitor or manipulate the traffic they exchange. The Bluetooth hacking vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2018-5383, affects firmware or operating system software…