What Theme is More Cosmic?

5/5 (2) There is a very wise expression that describes the importance of setting your goals throughout your life: Without a goal, you cannot score. The same principle works for your business. You cannot become better without competing with yourself and with the best players on the market. So now you know the reason why…

For Labor Day, work harder – TechCrunch

Labor Day is a holiday that just doesn’t fit Silicon Valley. It’s purported purpose is to celebrate working men and women and their — our — progress toward better working conditions and fairer workplaces. Yet, few regions in recent times have supposedly done more to “destroy” quality working conditions than the Valley, from the entire…

One extra week to apply for Startup Battlefield Africa 2018 – TechCrunch

There’s no lack of creative innovators, makers and technical entrepreneurs throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, and that’s why we’re bringing Startup Battlefield Africa 2018 — our world-renowned startup pitch competition — to Lagos, Nigeria on December 11. We want to give every innovative early-stage startup in the region the chance to compete, which is why we’re extending the…

Used car site Vroom is raising $70M six months after a big round of layoffs – TechCrunch

After cutting a big portion of its staff in March, Vroom is back pitching investors. Yesterday, the site for buying and selling used cars filed to raise $70 million in new equity funding. Vroom has already secured $30 million of that $70 million target, signaling confidence from investors that it’ll become profitable and beat out key competitors in the…