Google Hacker Discloses New Linux Kernel Vulnerability and PoC Exploit

A cybersecurity researcher with Google Project Zero has released the details, and a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit for a high severity vulnerability that exists in Linux kernel since kernel version 3.16 through 4.18.8. Discovered by white hat hacker Jann Horn, the kernel vulnerability (CVE-2018-17182) is a cache invalidation bug in the Linux memory management subsystem that…

‘Devil’s Triangle’ Wikipedia entry edited by anonymous Congressional staffer during Kavanaugh hearing

As Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh met with the Senate Judiciary Committee today, someone was doing a bit of housekeeping behind the scenes on Wikipedia. During the hearing, Kavanaugh faced a series of questions about a number of yearbook entries from 1982, the year he allegedly sexually assaulted and attempted to rape Christine Blasey Ford…