OrbitsEdge partners with HPE on orbital datacenter computing and analytics – TechCrunch

What kinds of businesses might be able to operate in space? Well datacenter are one potential target you might not have thought of. Space provides an interesting environment for datacenter operations, including advanced analytics operations and even artificial intelligence, due in part to the excellent cooling conditions and reasonable access to renewable power supply (solar).…

OrbitsEdge partners with HPE on orbital datacenter computing and analytics – TechCrunch

What kinds of businesses might be able to operate in space? Well datacenter are one potential target you might not have thought of. Space provides an interesting environment for datacenter operations, including advanced analytics operations and even artificial intelligence, due in part to the excellent cooling conditions and reasonable access to renewable power supply (solar).…

T-Systems takes ‘cloud for machines’ on-prem with new edge AI platform

T-Systems, the digital services division of Deutsche Telekom, has introduced an on-premise edge cloud solution for lower-latency analytics and automation, and on-site data processing.  Edge-based compute power offers advantages in terms of latency, compared with cloud based data processing. T-Systems said its new platform, called EdgeAIR, will enable so-called ‘real-time’ data transfers, for industrial such…

SC Hurdles and the IoT

We are just about at the end of the year and readying ourselves to make predictions for the new decade, but before I start to do that, I thought we should look at what’s been happening in procurement, supply chain, and how the IoT (Internet of Things) is making an impact on business processes. This…