LinkedIn forced to ‘pause’ mentioned in the news feature in Europe after complaints about ID mix-ups – TechCrunch

LinkedIn has been forced to ‘pause’ a feature in Europe in which the platform emails members’ connections when they’ve been ‘mentioned in the news’. The regulatory action follows a number of data protection complaints after LinkedIn’s algorithms incorrect matched members to news articles — triggering a review of the feature and subsequent suspension order. The…

Thailand passes controversial cybersecurity law that could enable government surveillance – TechCrunch

Thailand’s government passed a controversial cybersecurity bill today that has been criticized for vagueness and the potential to enable sweeping access internet user data. The bill (available in Thai) was amended late last year following criticism over potential data access, but it passed the country’s parliament with 133 positives votes and no rejections although there…

4 years later, this business is still waiting for someone to pay in Bitcoin

Ask any Bitcoin BTC fan – be it an investor, trader, entrepreneur, or even the dreaded “thought leader” – for their take on what Bitcoin really needs to fulfil its full potential, and they’ll undoubtedly tell you – mass adoption. It’s understandable, then, that businesses (large or small) are inevitably inundated with requests from persistent bagholders to…

Hackers Favorite CoinHive Cryptocurrency Mining Service Shutting Down

Coinhive, a notorious in-browser cryptocurrency mining service popular among cybercriminals, has announced that it will discontinue its services on March 8, 2019. Regular readers of The Hacker News already know how Coinhive’s service helped cyber criminals earn hundreds of thousands of dollars by using computers of millions of people visiting hacked websites. For a brief…