Animals and plants help engineers light up cities, detect explosives, and predict natural disastors

Now he’s looking to goats to see if the ancients’ theory that animals “know” about imminent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions holds water. Sure, it’s still a controversial idea, but perhaps 24/7 data collection around big events could provide scientific credence one way or another. Immediately after a powerful earthquake shook Norcia, Italy, in 2016, Wikelski…

In healthcare these days, ‘There’s an app for that’… unless you really need it – TechCrunch

Sarah Lisker is a Program Manager at the UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations and a collaborator in The OpEd Project. She manages SOLVE Health Tech, which bridges private sector innovation with public health expertise to make digital health accessible. When a digital health company announces a new app, everyone seems to think it’s going to improve health. Not me. Where…