Homeland Security’s Jeanette Manfra is coming to Disrupt SF – TechCrunch

We can’t talk cybersecurity without hearing from the government. We’re thrilled to announce Homeland Security Assistant Director Jeanette Manfra, a senior executive at the department’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), will be at Disrupt SF. Manfra is one of the federal government’s most experienced cybersecurity civil servants. She currently leads CISA’s cybersecurity efforts in…

Do VC associates matter? – TechCrunch

Building a company is fueled by highs and lows, but one of the few moments of potential ecstasy (or perhaps for grizzled veterans, deep annoyance) is the VC outreach email. You are building your startup on deforming IKEA desks eating frozen dinners when out of nowhere, a major VC firm reaches out and wants to…