Coding training and outsourcing service Catalyte launches a toolkit for corporate ‘up-skilling’ – TechCrunch

Catalyte, the Baltimore-based coding training and placement service, has launched a new software service designed to take its machine learning-based skills-assessment and training program to companies around the country. With revenues already approaching nearly $100 million for its outsourced software development services, Catalyte is hoping to take the lessons and tools it has learned and…

Small steps are the only way to digital change – how pharma firm Lonza united its factory data

Digital transformation, set in motion by industrial IoT, is an abstract exercise. It is not an off-the-shelf kind of a sale. It requires all parties to collaborate to affect change and reinvention, capturing business culture and business practice. Importantly, it also needs to consider the algorithmic minutiae of multiple enterprise functions, and as they impact…