Extra Crunch members get free startup legal documents from Avodocs – TechCrunch

We’re excited to announce a new community perk for Extra Crunch. Starting today, annual and two-year Extra Crunch members located in the United States can get free access to Avodocs from AXDRAFT. Avodocs provides free legal documents for startups, including NDAs, privacy policies, founders’ agreements, employee onboarding documents, terms of service and more. Founders and…

How startups close their first big sales – TechCrunch

Joe Procopio is a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. Joe is currently building Spiffy, and previously sold Automated Insights, sold ExitEvent and built Intrepid Media. More posts by this contributor Here’s what happens when you decide to sell your startup When to ditch that nightmare customer (before they kill your startup) No matter what your startup sells…

the year podcasting broke – TechCrunch

Like any burgeoning art form, podcasts have a complicated relationship with corporate America. The form’s appeal has long been its accessibility; for years, it’s been open to anyone with an idea, a little free time and a computer. The results haven’t always been stellar, but the medium’s potential is seemingly limitless. The exact beginnings of…

Common AirPods problems, and how to fix them

Apple’s AirPods are among the best fully wireless earbuds we’ve seen, but they’re not perfect. If you’re having trouble, check out our guide to the most common problems and what you can do to fix them. Source link Shiv EswarShiv has over 8 years experience working on Internet of Things and an avid user of…