5 WordPress Maintenance Plugins 2019

No ratings yet. Turning on Maintenance Mode without a Plugin Top WordPress Maintenance Plugins The Final Word The need to put a WordPress website in maintenance mode can occur when you install, test new features, adjust the template design, or restore the blog after unsuccessful changes. If you don’t close the site with this mode…

how China uses tech to sort its waste – TechCrunch

China’s war on garbage is as digitally savvy as the country itself. Think QR codes attached to trash bags that allow a municipal government to trace exactly where its trash comes from. On July 1, the world’s most populated city Shanghai began a compulsory garbage sorting program. Under the new regulations (in Chinese), households and…

Humans and AI will work better when they start learning from each other

In the age of big data and breathtaking advances of artificial intelligence, social infrastructure promotes digital engagement and active presence. Digital democracy propagates the participation of a growing number of users to interact with institutions and services, ensuring that decisions made by AI-powered digital tools reflect human values. Immersed in automation, many choices we make include…