Star Wars | Digital Trends

The Star Wars franchise is one of sci-fi’s most iconic sagas, chronicling the adventures of several generations of colorful heroes and villains in a galaxy far, far away. From its humble beginnings in 1977’s surprise hit Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope through countless prequels, sequels, and spin-off projects in television, film, literature,…

You probably don’t need a degree to be a UI/UX designer

And it’s not just Facebook. I browsed Product Design positions for Airbnb, Doordash, Tinder, Coinbase, New York Times, Shopify, and Mailchimp — none of them require any formal education to be qualified. I also checked local listings for my city, Denver, on BuiltInColorado. Out of the ones I checked, Havenly, Mersive, JumpCloud, Gusto, and our very own Skookum — no degree is required. The only company I could find that…