Building WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Websites

No ratings yet. After the tremendous success of such multi-vendor marketplace platforms as Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, as well as many others, online marketplace has quickly become a truly powerful e-commerce platform. Indeed, online marketplace is an ingenious invention that makes our lives so much easier. So what is e-commerce marketplace? Basically, it’s a kind of…

TikTok is being investigated in the U.K. for how it handles children’s data and safety – TechCrunch

TikTok is being investigated in the U.K. for how it handles the safety and personal data of underage users. According to the Guardian, information commissioner Elizabeth Denham told a parliamentary committee that the probe started in February, after the U.S. Federal Trade Commission levied a $5.7 million fine against TikTok for breaking children’s privacy law.…

Despite Trump’s promised reprieve, Commerce Department tells staff to continue treating Huawei as blacklisted – TechCrunch

President Donald Trump recently promised to ease the ban on American companies doing business with Huawei, but the Commerce Department is requiring its staff to treat Huawei as if the blacklist is still in place, reports Reuters. Enforcement staff were sent an internal letter this week by John Sonderman, the Deputy Director of the Office…

Superbacklash – TechCrunch

Hot startup Superhuman has been getting some ‘backlash’ as happens now and then when someone notices the precise methodology that a startup is using to enable a really freakin’ cool feature set. We’re well into stage 2 now when, inevitably, the backlash itself gets backlash. The nut of it is that people have been exposed…