The Future of AI and Cybersecurity

Have you ever wondered how AI (artificial intelligence) is both a friend and a foe in the IoT (Internet of Things) industry’s cybersecurity efforts? This column is going to address some of the challenges companies face when implementing AI and machine learning projects in the enterprise. The post The Future of AI and Cybersecurity appeared…

YL Ventures, a specialist in Israeli cybersecurity startups, has closed its fourth fund with $120 million – TechCrunch

YL Ventures, a 12-year-old, Mill Valley, Ca-based, seed-stage venture firm that invests narrowly in Israeli cybersecurity startups, just closed its fourth fund with $120 million in capital commitments, bringing the total capital it now manages to $260 million. It’s an interesting firm in numerous ways that set it apart from many of its similar-size peers.…

After restructuring, Amazon’s Game Studios partners with Athlon Games on “Lord of the Rings” title – TechCrunch

On the heels of its recent restructuring, Amazon Game Studios is partnering with the Los Angeles-based Athlon Games to bring the company’s free-to-play “Lord of the Rings” based multiplayer online game to market. First announced last year by Athlon Game Studios’ Chinese parent company, Leyou Technologies, the game is set around the time of the…