Mark Zuckerberg discovers privacy – TechCrunch

With the swelling confidence of a colonial power happening upon a long-settled distant land, today Mark Zuckerberg discovered the concept of privacy. In a ballooning 3,225 words — a roughly average word count for the terminally verbose Facebook founder — Zuckerberg informed his miserably loyal 2.3 billion plus subjects that his company has happened upon…

Omidyar Network spins out its fintech investment arm as Flourish, with up to $300 million – TechCrunch

After 12 years spent investing in impact-oriented financial services startups around the globe, the Omidyar Network, which serves as the family investment office for eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, is spinning off its financial inclusion investment arm as Flourish Ventures. Equipped with up to $300 million in capital for operations and investments, the new Flourish will…