How tech companies measure “legal” – TechCrunch

How good is your lawyer? It’s hard to tell. Daniel Doktori Contributor More posts by this contributor What It Means When Law Firms And Startups Give Away Legal Documents Why Startups Hire Their Own Lawyers In a working environment obsessed with metrics dashboards, key performance indicators, and objectives and key results, the legal function presents…

Stealthy Microsoft SQL Server Backdoor Malware Spotted in the Wild

Cybersecurity researchers claim to have discovered a previously undocumented backdoor specifically designed for Microsoft SQL servers that could allow a remote attacker to control an already compromised system stealthily. Dubbed Skip-2.0, the backdoor malware is a post-exploitation tool that runs in the memory and lets remote attackers connect to any account on the server running…

Marvel Movie News | Digital Trends

What’s that up in the sky? It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s … a new Marvel announcement! Marvel is the biggest film franchise in the world right now, with new movies and shows being announced faster than Quicksilver dashing through his limited screen time. If you’re having trouble keeping up with every announcement happening…