What to expect from AI in 2023 • TechCrunch

As a rather commercially successful author once wrote, “the night is dark and full of terrors, the day bright and beautiful and full of hope.” It’s fitting imagery for AI, which like all tech has its upsides and downsides. Art-generating models like Stable Diffusion, for instance, have led to incredible outpourings of creativity, powering apps…

W4SP Stealer Discovered in Multiple PyPI Packages Under Various Names

Dec 24, 2022Ravie LakshmananSoftware Security / Supply Chain Threat actors have published yet another round of malicious packages to Python Package Index (PyPI) with the goal of delivering information-stealing malware on compromised developer machines. Interestingly, while the malware goes by a variety of names like ANGEL Stealer, Celestial Stealer, Fade Stealer, Leaf $tealer, PURE Stealer,…