Climate Change: Small Changes, Big Impact

Our long-term reliance on fossil fuels makes buildings one of the most significant sources of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions, contributing to climate change, smog, and air pollution. The trend towards electrification, from buildings to vehicles, is a start in the right direction. The downside, now at least, is a limited infrastructure to provide for the…

What is Plex? Everything you need to know

Plex is one of the most important streaming services, even if it’s not one of the most well-known offerings. While the best streaming services often place large libraries of shows and movies at your reach for on-demand viewing, Plex lets you become the master of your own domain.  If you have a collection of media…

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Where to find Ditto

For anyone looking to get into competitive breeding or shiny hunting in Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, there’s one special Pokémon you’ll want to have in your party: Ditto. The cute little transforming Pokémon has been around since the first generation and has become an integral part of the Pokémon breeding mechanic. Because Ditto can…