Recorded Future acquires internet inventory startup SecurityTrails for $65M – TechCrunch

Threat intelligence giant Recorded Future announced Tuesday that it has acquired SecurityTrails, an internet inventory startup that collects and banks current and historical domain and IP address data, for $65 million. Financial terms of the deal were not immediately disclosed. A spokesperson for Recorded Future confirmed the acquisition price. SecurityTrails collects and maintains vast amounts…

Pandemic pattern for IoT set to repeat – in utilities, buildings, supply chain (ABI on 2022)

Covid-19 caused supply-chain disruptions across vertical industries. The pandemic deepened market uncertainty and severely impacted the adoption of IoT. Healthcare was the main exception, as the global crisis expanded IoT use cases in production and logistics around healthcare products, as well as in hospitals and care facilities. The other exception was with remote working, with…

Seoul Robotics introduces V2X sensor tower to automate BMW fleets at Munich manufacturing facility – TechCrunch

Seoul Robotics, an AI-based perception software company, wants to turn first- and last-mile logistics hubs for automotive and trucking into mind hives, wherein one sensor tower controls the movements of a fleet, like a conductor of an orchestra, guiding hundreds of vehicles into place. After two years of piloting its tech with BMW, the startup…

Detecting Evasive Malware on IoT Devices Using Electromagnetic Emanations

Cybersecurity researchers have proposed a novel approach that leverages electromagnetic field emanations from the Internet of Things (IoT) devices as a side-channel to glean precise knowledge about the different kinds of malware targeting the embedded systems, even in scenarios where obfuscation techniques have been applied to hinder analysis. With the rapid adoption of IoT appliances…

The Future of City Mobility and Automotive

Cities are facing one big challenge: failing infrastructure, which is impacting all facets of city mobility including automotive. Even with hybrid working arrangements for many, there is still a strain on our cities’ infrastructure systems. Here is my question: what if we reimagined mobility? I recently had an opportunity to sit down with Sanjay Ravi,…