Starship Technologies picks up €50M from the EU’s investment arm to expand its fleet of autonomous delivery robots – TechCrunch

Starship Technologies, one of the bigger names in the world of autonomous delivery robots — those little caboose-like, boxy delivery vehicles that self-drive around cities — has been on a roll during Covid-19, providing extra (unmanned) horsepower to distribute food and other goods between stores or restaurants and consumers, at a time when consumers were…

Starship Technologies picks up €50M from the EU’s investment arm to expand its fleet of autonomous delivery robots – TechCrunch

Starship Technologies, one of the bigger names in the world of autonomous delivery robots — those little caboose-like, boxy delivery vehicles that self-drive around cities — has been on a roll during Covid-19, providing extra (unmanned) horsepower to distribute food and other goods between stores or restaurants and consumers, at a time when consumers were…

Signify intos new line of LTE and 5G ‘broadband luminaires’ for smart cities

Netherlands-based lighting firm Signify is to integrate LTE and 5G into a new range of ‘broadband luminaires’ for the smart cities market. Signify has signed a deal with smart-city broadband provider Siklu to bundle the Israel-based firm’s ‘multi-haul’ ‘multi-gigabit’ hardware (branded ‘MultiHaul’). The new broadband line is part of Signify’s BrightSites portfolio. The pair said…

Intellect, the mental health startup focused on APAC, raises $10M Series A – TechCrunch

Mental health app Intellect’s founder and CEO Theodoric Chew Intellect, the Singapore-based mental health startup focused primarily on Asia-Pacific markets, announced today it has raised a $10 million Series A. The company’s services, including self-directed mental wellness programs in 15 languages and online therapy sessions, are available through two channels: as an employee benefit and…

Vodafone activates the UK’s first live 5G Open RAN site

Vodafone has switched on the UK’s first live 5G Open RAN site as part of thousands it has planned. The groundbreaking site was delivered in partnership with Samsung, Wind River, Dell, Intel, Keysight Technologies, and Capgemini Engineering—proving the interoperability benefits of Open RAN. Here’s what each partner is delivering: Samsung: Virtualised Radio Access Network (vRAN)…

The best bike helmets in 2022

Whether you’re commuting to work or doing some serious offroading, you should never be without one of the best bike helmets. It could literally mean the difference between life and death: In 2019, sixty-two percent of bicyclists killed were not wearing helmets, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System. Previous studies…