Stride app review | Tom’s Guide

I love a bit of a competition — I suspect a fairly high percentage of runners do, at least the ones who bandy around phrases like “personal best” and repeatedly enter races. After all, it’s always good to have a reason to push yourself. But it’s also great to have competition that has nothing to…

ReelSteady makes GoPro Player ‘reel’ useful for filmmakers

GoPro’s proprietary video-editing software, called GoPro Player, just received a major update that greatly expands its capabilities. While before it was a useful piece of software for owners of GoPro’s Hero and Max cameras, it now offers extra features with the introduction of GoPro’s ReelSteady software, as well as other significant upgrades. ReelSteady previously existed…

Major IoT Trends to Expect in 2022

April 8, 2022 Source: Claudia Jarrett, US Country Manager |  EU Automation | Manufacturing Tomorrow 5G networks are opening new opportunities to manufacturers including speeding-up the IoT with faster data transfer rates and more efficient connections and communication between devices. Therefore, 5G will be key to the growth of the IoT in 2022. Cisco Systems…