Tesla delivers record number of EVs in ‘exceptionally’ difficult quarter – TechCrunch

Tesla reported Saturday that it delivered more than 305,000 electric vehicles in the first quarter, a record-breaking figure that was inline with analyst expectations even as production suffered due to supply chain constraints and COVID-related factory shutdowns. “This was an exceptionally difficult quarter due to supply chain interruptions & China zero Covid policy,” CEO Elon…

Tesla delivers record number of EVs in ‘exceptionally’ difficult quarter – TechCrunch

Tesla reported Saturday that it delivered more than 305,000 electric vehicles in the first quarter, a record-breaking figure that was inline with analyst expectations even as production suffered due to supply chain constraints and COVID-related factory shutdowns. “This was an exceptionally difficult quarter due to supply chain interruptions & China zero Covid policy,” CEO Elon…

3 Tips to Take Advantage of the Future Web 3.0 Decentralized Infrastructure

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Concepts such as DAOs, NFTs and metaverses are increasing in popularity. They are sure to revolutionize the way we behave in an online world. But, we are still largely interacting with Web 3.0 through Web 2.0 applications and interfaces.  You probably found this page on the Google Search Engine, maybe even through the…

From a whirlwind, clarity – TechCrunch

Welcome to The TechCrunch Exchange, a weekly startups-and-markets newsletter. It’s inspired by the daily TechCrunch+ column where it gets its name. Want it in your inbox every Saturday? Sign up here.  Saying goodbye to Q1 What a week. If you were plugged in to the startup news cycle recently, you’ve been busy. Y Combinator dropped hundreds of new startups…

5G and the Metaverse – Connected World

Metaverse. The metaverse is still more of a buzzword and vision than a fully-fledged end goal with a defined arrival date. Despite all the headlines and investments, the metaverse will not arrive in 2022 or, for that matter, within the typical 5-year forecast window. What we have today are tech companies building their version of…