MMGuardian enters a crowded kid-safe-phone market

If every dumb idea I ever had as a teenager was permanently captured on the internet, I’d be in for a rainbow of embarrassment. In today’s always-on and very socially networked world, kids and teenagers can quickly get themselves into trouble. The MMGuardian Phone is a smartphone produced in collaboration with Samsung that’s tapping into the…

Embracing AI is the Key to a Future-Proof Business

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As you continue to grow your enterprise, focusing on digital transformation, business strategies, and future trends, there’s something more daunting on the horizon that can make or break everything: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Embracing AI and its implications is the game-changer that holds the potential to either revolutionize…

Threat Actors Increasingly Abusing GitHub for Malicious Purposes

Jan 11, 2024NewsroomCybersecurity / Software Security The ubiquity of GitHub in information technology (IT) environments has made it a lucrative choice for threat actors to host and deliver malicious payloads and act as dead drop resolvers, command-and-control, and data exfiltration points. “Using GitHub services for malicious infrastructure allows adversaries to blend in with legitimate network…