How to recognize an alien when you see one

What would convince you that aliens existed? The question came up recently at a conference on astrobiology, held at Stanford University in California. Several ideas were tossed around – unusual gases in a planet’s atmosphere, strange heat gradients on its surface. But none felt persuasive. Finally, one scientist offered the solution: a photograph. There was…

Here are 5 things that scare me about AI

AI is being increasingly used to make important decisions. Many AI experts (including Jeff Dean, head of AI at Google, and Andrew Ng, founder of Coursera and say that warnings about sentient robots are overblown, but other harms are not getting enough attention. I agree. I am an AI researcher, and I’m worried about some of the societal…

Super-soldier T-cells fight cancer better after a transformational DNA delivery

Credit: Wikipedia Commons I enjoy online shopping. However, I often find myself fussing about the delivery options during checkout. This is because not all delivery services are equally efficient and stress-free. This personal experience has also inspired my research. As a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University, I have engineered tiny nano-materials – objects about 10,000…