LockFile Ransomware Bypasses Protection Using Intermittent File Encryption

A new ransomware family that emerged last month comes with its own bag of tricks to bypass ransomware protection by leveraging a novel technique called “intermittent encryption.” Called LockFile, the operators of the ransomware have been found exploiting recently disclosed flaws such as ProxyShell and PetitPotam to compromise Windows servers and deploy file-encrypting malware that…

August 2021 Guest Opinion: Location-Based Automation- Why a Digital Twin of Moving Things is the Missing Piece for Successful Industrial Automation

August 27, 2021 This article outlines why the promising concept of the digital twin has often fallen short of its goal of end-to-end automation and connectivity. It argues that to achieve a full digital transformation, companies need to equip their digital twins with precise location-based data of all moving assets on the shop floor and…