LoRaWAN briefs – applications, expansions, patents (featuring Kerlink, Senet)

Dutch IoT solution provider NetOP Technology has teamed up with French LoRaWAN gateway maker Kerlink to produce a ‘wildfire-prevention’ system that measures humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds to issue long-distance alarms over LoRaWAN to alert about possible wildfires.  Global warming has increased the risk of wildfire, the pair said. They noted that…

FAA opens probe into anomaly on Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic spaceflight – TechCrunch

The Federal Aviation Administration is looking into an anomaly on the Virgin Galactic flight that carried Richard Branson to space. In a piece discussing not just that particular flight but the company’s various safety issues throughout the years, The New Yorker explained that Virgin’s spacecraft went off-course during descent, triggering an “entry glide-cone warning.” The…

WhatsApp Photo Filter Bug Could Have Exposed Your Data to Remote Attackers

A now-patched high-severity security vulnerability in WhatApp’s image filter feature could have been abused to send a malicious image over the messaging app to read sensitive information from the app’s memory. Tracked as CVE-2020-1910 (CVSS score: 7.8), the flaw concerns an out-of-bounds read/write and stems from applying specific image filters to a rogue image and…

August 2021 Guest Opinion: Location-Based Automation- Why a Digital Twin of Moving Things is the Missing Piece for Successful Industrial Automation

August 27, 2021 This article outlines why the promising concept of the digital twin has often fallen short of its goal of end-to-end automation and connectivity. It argues that to achieve a full digital transformation, companies need to equip their digital twins with precise location-based data of all moving assets on the shop floor and…