Digital Industry Solutions | Cellular LPWAN | NB-IoT: What has gone wrong, and when will it go right

NB-IoT was supposed to connect everything. It hasn’t. Instead, it has coughed and spluttered, and faced cries about its cost, ecosystem, and coverage. But something is afoot, finally, as devices have come available, costs have started to come down, and the operator community has gradually switched-on NB-IoT networks globally. But is it too late? Or…

Latest Atlassian Confluence Flaw Exploited to Breach Jenkins Project Server

The maintainers of Jenkins—a popular open-source automation server software—have disclosed a security breach after unidentified threat actors gained access to one of their servers by exploiting a recently disclosed vulnerability in Atlassian Confluence service to install a cryptocurrency miner. The “successful attack,” which is believed to have occurred last week, was mounted against its Confluence…

Qualcomm will reportedly continue helping Huawei to skirt US sanctions with 5G-less chips

A tipster claims that Qualcomm will offer more 5G-less versions of its chips that enable Huawei to skirt US sanctions. Huawei is among the Chinese companies sanctioned by the US. The sanctions predominately stop Huawei from accessing American products relating to 5G and limit the company’s ability to make its own Kirin silicon. Qualcomm’s latest…

Attacks on IoT devices double in a year

Research from the cybersecurity gurus at Kaspersky has found that attacks targeting IoT devices have doubled over the past year. The rapid proliferation of IoT devices, combined with often poor security, makes them an increasingly attractive target for hackers. Analysts at McKinsey estimate that 127 new devices are connected every second. Dan Demeter, Security Expert…