Volvo Cars uses artificial intelligence for automated inspection in the US

The system utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning to check tires, underbody components and vehicle exteriors   Volvo Cars USA announced a new program to equip U.S. retailers with automated vehicle-inspection systems using artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) technology that aim to improve customer satisfaction and business efficiencies. Camera-based systems from Israel-based UVeye utilize…

Hackers Target Bank Networks with new Rootkit to Steal Money from ATM Machines

A financially motivated threat actor has been observed deploying a previously unknown rootkit targeting Oracle Solaris systems with the goal of compromising Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) switching networks and carrying out unauthorized cash withdrawals at different banks using fraudulent cards. Threat intelligence and incident response firm Mandiant is tracking the cluster under the moniker UNC2891,…

Russian search giant Yandex tells investors it’s looking for a media exit – TechCrunch

Russia’s Internet giant Yandex has told investors it’s exploring “strategic options” for its media products — including a potential sale of its news aggregator, Yandex News, and a user-generated-content-recommendation and blogging “infotainment” platform, called Zen. The disclosure confirms our reporting earlier this week — when sources told us Yandex is in discussions to sell Yandex…