Twitter, Inc. is now X Corp

Twitter, Inc. is now called X Corp, according to a court filing in California. Since Twitter is no longer a public company, it does not have to report updates like name changes to the SEC. But in any case, the new name was spotted in an April 4 document related to far-right activist Laura Loomer’s…

Newly Discovered “By-Design” Flaw in Microsoft Azure Could Expose Storage Accounts to Hackers

Apr 11, 2023Ravie LakshmananCloud Security / Data Security A “by-design flaw” uncovered in Microsoft Azure could be exploited by attackers to gain access to storage accounts, move laterally in the environment, and even execute remote code. “It is possible to abuse and leverage Microsoft Storage Accounts by manipulating Azure Functions to steal access-tokens of higher…

UnaBiz releases Sigfox 0G device library code

Massive IoT service provider and integrator UnaBiz has released the Sigfox 0G technology device library code for connected objects to the public and IoT development community. UnaBiz claims the release marks “a significant step” in driving technology interoperability and the unification of LPWANs in the IoT industry. The company notes that it aligns with its…