China-Linked Bronze Starlight Group Targeting Gambling Sector with Cobalt Strike Beacons

Aug 17, 2023THNCyber Attack / Malware An ongoing cyber attack campaign originating from China is targeting the Southeast Asian gambling sector to deploy Cobalt Strike beacons on compromised systems. Cybersecurity firm SentinelOne said the tactics, techniques, and procedures point to the involvement of a threat actor tracked as Bronze Starlight (aka Emperor Dragonfly or Storm-0401),…

Laptops vs. Routers for Mission-Critical Vehicle Connectivity

4G/5G enabled laptops and dedicated in-vehicle routers can be used by first responders, utilities, transit authorities and other mission-critical organizations to keep their field teams connected. This connectivity helps improve operational efficiency, organizational transparency and safety for workers and the public. Connected laptops offer increased flexibility compared to a router as they can be used…