Google Store, Hotels, Flights and other services will show more accurate info in the EU

EU’s Consumer Protection Cooperation Network (CPCN) has been in talks with Google since 2021 to make certain online services more transparent and to make them better aligned with the Union’s geo-blocking regulations. The Google Play Store lets you browse versions intended for different countries within the EU – something you may not have known (here’s…

Experts Uncover the Identity of Mastermind Behind Golden Chickens Malware Service

Jan 27, 2023Ravie LakshmananThreat Response / Cyber Crime Cybersecurity researchers have discovered the real-world identity of the threat actor behind Golden Chickens malware-as-a-service, who goes by the online persona “badbullzvenom.” eSentire’s Threat Response Unit (TRU), in an exhaustive report published following a 16-month-long investigation, said it “found multiple mentions of the badbullzvenom account being shared…