UK is falling behind in drone innovation

A report by GSMA Intelligence highlights the UK’s lagging position in the global race for drone innovation. Commissioned by BT Group, the report emphasises the need for the UK to learn from international peers and implement recommended measures to ensure its leadership in the burgeoning drone economy. The research, supported by BT Group, reveals that…

Microsoft Uncovers Banking AitM Phishing and BEC Attacks Targeting Financial Giants

Jun 09, 2023Ravie LakshmananCyber Threat / Financial Security Banking and financial services organizations are the targets of a new multi-stage adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) phishing and business email compromise (BEC) attack, Microsoft has revealed. “The attack originated from a compromised trusted vendor and transitioned into a series of AiTM attacks and follow-on BEC activity spanning multiple organizations,”…