Anker admits Eufy cams weren’t encrypted

Anker has finally acknowledged that its Eufy smart cameras weren’t end-to-end encrypted. In November, security researcher Paul Moore highlighted that Eufy cameras were uploading data even when cloud upload settings were disabled. However, an even more concerning finding was that camera streams could be watched live through external video players. Anker promoted local storage and…

AI-generated ‘Seinfeld’ suspended on Twitch for AI-generated transphobic jokes • TechCrunch

After charming the internet (and us) with its absurdist nature, the AI-generated “Seinfeld”-spoof “Nothing, Forever” was suspended from Twitch for 14 days. As part of its parody of “Seinfeld,” one of the recurring scenes on “Nothing, Forever” shows Larry Feinberg — the Jerry Seinfeld character — performing stand-up routines. Usually, Larry’s jokes went something like,…

AI-generated ‘Seinfeld’ suspended on Twitch for AI-generated transphobic jokes • TechCrunch

After charming the internet (and us) with its absurdist nature, the AI-generated “Seinfeld”-spoof “Nothing, Forever” was suspended from Twitch for 14 days. As part of its parody of “Seinfeld,” one of the recurring scenes on “Nothing, Forever” shows Larry Feinberg — the Jerry Seinfeld character — performing stand-up routines. Usually, Larry’s jokes went something like,…

AI-generated ‘Seinfeld’ suspended on Twitch for AI-generated transphobic jokes • TechCrunch

After charming the internet (and us) with its absurdist nature, the AI-generated “Seinfeld”-spoof “Nothing, Forever” was suspended from Twitch for 14 days. As part of its parody of “Seinfeld,” one of the recurring scenes on “Nothing, Forever” shows Larry Feinberg — the Jerry Seinfeld character — performing stand-up routines. Usually, Larry’s jokes went something like,…

GuLoader Malware Using Malicious NSIS Executables to Target E-Commerce Industry

Feb 06, 2023Ravie LakshmananCyber Attack / Endpoint Security E-commerce industries in South Korea and the U.S. are at the receiving end of an ongoing GuLoader malware campaign, cybersecurity firm Trellix disclosed late last month. The malspam activity is notable for transitioning away from malware-laced Microsoft Word documents to NSIS executable files for loading the malware.…