Enabling innovation at the edge

In an interview at Edge Computing Expo Europe, Yamina Kelm, Product Manager for Edge Computing at Deutsche Telekom, shed light on how edge computing is transforming the telecoms giant’s approach to delivering faster and more reliable services to its customers. Kelm explained that Deutsche Telekom’s edge computing offering allows customers to leverage their edge data…

Enabling innovation at the edge

In an interview at Edge Computing Expo Europe, Yamina Kelm, Product Manager for Edge Computing at Deutsche Telekom, shed light on how edge computing is transforming the telecoms giant’s approach to delivering faster and more reliable services to its customers. Kelm explained that Deutsche Telekom’s edge computing offering allows customers to leverage their edge data…

Enabling innovation at the edge

In an interview at Edge Computing Expo Europe, Yamina Kelm, Product Manager for Edge Computing at Deutsche Telekom, shed light on how edge computing is transforming the telecoms giant’s approach to delivering faster and more reliable services to its customers. Kelm explained that Deutsche Telekom’s edge computing offering allows customers to leverage their edge data…

I did cable crunches every day for a week — here’s what happened to my abs

If there’s one exercise that will always get those six-pack muscles firing, it’s ab cable crunches. Essentially a kneeling, weighted crunch, this exercise is great at targeting the muscles in your midsection, especially the ‘six-pack’ muscles, also known as your rectus abdominis. But what would happen if you did ab cable crunches every day for…

How to Achieve Superhuman Levels of Focus with Nutritional Psychology

Ben Angel, bestselling author of Unstoppable (Entrepreneur Press® 2018), CLICK, Sleeping Your Way to The Top in Business, and Flee 9-5, is Australia’s leading marketing authority. Founder of benangel.co, a site dedicated to providing entrepreneurs advanced online marketing courses and education, Ben provides easy-to-apply and even easier-to-understand strategies for reaching new customers with ease. Source link…