This new malware is taking over Discord accounts and stealing browser data – what you need to know

Windows PCs are under attack from a new Golang-based malware strain capable of stealing all sorts of sensitive data from vulnerable systems. As reported by The Hacker News, this info-stealing malware has been dubbed Skuld by its developer, who goes by the alias Deathined. First discovered at the end of April by security researchers at…

Want to Improve Employee Performance? What New Research Suggests May Surprise You.

3. Ditch burnout culture in favor of work-life fit Though not the top concern, employees still report burnout drivers — inflexible, longer work hours, and excessive workloads — as major contributors to worsening mental health.2 But providing flexibility isn’t so simple when running a company that requires in-person work or customer service during open hours.…

Telefónica Tech and ARME establish a robotics hub

Telefónica Tech has partnered with the Spanish Mobile Robotics Association (ARME) to establish a mobile robotics technology hub. The purpose of the collaboration is to create an environment where companies from the technology and industrial sectors can collaborate on research, innovation, and co-creation of solutions to advance the field of robotics. The mobile robotics technology…