Russian ‘WhisperGate’ hackers are using new data-stealing malware to target Ukraine • TechCrunch

Security researchers say they have recently observed a Russian hacking crew, who were behind the destructive WhisperGate malware cyberattacks, targeting Ukrainian entities with a new information-stealing malware. Symantec’s Threat Hunter Team has attributed this campaign to a Russia-linked cyber threat actor, widely known as TA471 (or UAC-0056), which has been active since early 2021. The…

5G revenue to hit $625B by 2027

A report from Juniper Research suggests that operators will generate $625 billion from 5G services by 2027. If the forecast is correct, it would mean that – in just four years – operators will enjoy over double the $310 billion revenue they’re expected to generate from 5G services in 2023. The rapid growth will lead…