Shein a light | TechCrunch

Welcome to the TechCrunch Exchange, a weekly startups-and-markets newsletter. It’s inspired by the daily TechCrunch+ column where it gets its name. Want it in your inbox every Saturday? Sign up here. We won’t be getting our hands on a Shein filing just yet, but we can’t wait to — especially to understand the logic and…

Shein a light | TechCrunch

Welcome to the TechCrunch Exchange, a weekly startups-and-markets newsletter. It’s inspired by the daily TechCrunch+ column where it gets its name. Want it in your inbox every Saturday? Sign up here. We won’t be getting our hands on a Shein filing just yet, but we can’t wait to — especially to understand the logic and…

Betting on beauty fads is big business

As a woman in her 20s with an Instagram account, I’ve witnessed the explosive rise and destigmatization of medical spa treatments. From the influencer I ran track with in high school posting promos for lip blushing and fillers, to constantly discussing buying a Groupon for Baby Botox with my friend Emily, these treatments have become…

Betting on beauty fads is big business

As a woman in her 20s with an Instagram account, I’ve witnessed the explosive rise and destigmatization of medical spa treatments. From the influencer I ran track with in high school posting promos for lip blushing and fillers, to constantly discussing buying a Groupon for Baby Botox with my friend Emily, these treatments have become…

Betting on beauty fads is big business

As a woman in her 20s with an Instagram account, I’ve witnessed the explosive rise and destigmatization of medical spa treatments. From the influencer I ran track with in high school posting promos for lip blushing and fillers, to constantly discussing buying a Groupon for Baby Botox with my friend Emily, these treatments have become…

NTT taps Amazon’s Project Kuiper for satellite connectivity in Japan

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) will use Amazon’s Project Kuiper to improve satellite connectivity options in Japan. NTT plans to distribute Project Kuiper connectivity services to enterprises and government organisations across the country. NTT Group companies will also become customers of Project Kuiper, facilitating a seamless integration of innovative LEO satellite connectivity into their…