The Best Chromebooks of 2018

Why buy a Chromebook? Well, they’re lighter, more portable, and generally have better battery life than their Windows or Mac counterparts. These are notebooks for students, professionals, and anyone else who needs a laptop designed to spend more time on the go than at a desk. The low price tags are the most attractive draw,…

Uncle Sam’s Energy Infrastructure Needs IoT Tech – Connected World

Enter the IoT “Point sensors have long played a role in monitoring pipelines in SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition)-based architectures that monitor the pipeline at discreet locations along its path, looking at measurements such as pressure, temperature, and flow,” say Hines and Williams. “CPM (computational pipeline modeling) software can look at these measurements and…

Uncle Sam’s Energy Infrastructure Needs IoT Tech – Connected World

Enter the IoT “Point sensors have long played a role in monitoring pipelines in SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition)-based architectures that monitor the pipeline at discreet locations along its path, looking at measurements such as pressure, temperature, and flow,” say Hines and Williams. “CPM (computational pipeline modeling) software can look at these measurements and…