Best iPhone SE deals for August 2021

iPhone SE deals are easy to find these days. Retailers from AT&T to Verizon are offering discounts on Apple’s budget smartphone, which can be had for next to nothing. Currently, you’ll find the best iPhone SE deals at wireless carriers. Many are offering the iPhone SE for free when you meet certain requirements. For instance,…

Jeans, Redesigned – Connected World

Can we achieve a circular economy in the fashion industry? One new report says yes. Moving away from a linear take-make-waste model is critical. Clothes can be made with limited impact; be recycled and refurbished; and be long-lasting and ultimately, be kept in use for extended periods of time. Quite simply, clothing can be worn…

How to Remove a Login Password on Windows 11

Your password is your key to Windows 11 as it protects your files and your important information. There are some cases, however, where you might want to remove a login password in Windows. This could be in situations where you’re sharing a PC with someone or don’t necessarily have anything that’s private on your system.…