Roborock S7 Max vs. Ecovac Deebot X1

CES 2022, an annual exposition of all things cutting-edge, brought big breakthroughs in many sectors of residential living — from developments in pet-monitoring devices to monolithic, multipoint routers. Don’t forget robot vacuums. Those much-loved sentient dust-busters that keep our domiciles near-spotless. Two robot vacuum companies that flexed hard at CES 2022 were Roborock and Ecovacs,…

Heavy Equipment Safety – Connected World

With all the emphasis on the bipartisan infrastructure bill that (finally) passed and was signed, heavy construction companies are gearing up, literally and figuratively, for an increased amount of work. Literally in the sense of equipment and figuratively in regard to staffing that equipment. Workers returning after pandemic layoffs and reduced work levels are potential…