5G & the Future of Commercial Security Surveillance

Many commercial security surveillance networks are connected with mobile wireless because it offers greater location flexibility and better data security than Wi-Fi. Since mobile networks are ubiquitous, they are ideal for outdoor deployments that span large areas. In addition, mobile carriers encrypt their traffic, unlike Wi-Fi systems, so the video streams are protected against hackers.…

5G & the Future of Commercial Security Surveillance

Many commercial security surveillance networks are connected with mobile wireless because it offers greater location flexibility and better data security than Wi-Fi. Since mobile networks are ubiquitous, they are ideal for outdoor deployments that span large areas. In addition, mobile carriers encrypt their traffic, unlike Wi-Fi systems, so the video streams are protected against hackers.…

How to clear RAM on iPhone

Learning how to clear RAM on iPhone is incredibly useful. It’s common for the iPhone to periodically slow down and stutter, and you may have noticed your device occasionally behaving slugglishly, particularly when trying to flick between or open apps, or when performing tasks using intensive apps. Sometimes, you iPhone may freeze altogether. Obviously, on…