Small Business IoT | Sierra Wireless

While the Internet of Things (IoT) is often thought to be something for large enterprises, small/medium businesses (SMBs) can also benefit from deploying IoT networks. There are already millions of IoT devices in use for applications as diverse as fleet tracking, EV charging, vending, smart lockers, energy delivery, video surveillance, environmental control, customer traffic analysis,…

Wi-Fi 6: What It Is and Why It’s Better

With the arrival of Wi-Fi 6 back in 2019, the Wi-Fi Alliance finally began numbering new wireless standards. Besides being a way to cut through technical jargon with a straight-forward numbering convention, this also allowed it to debut Wi-Fi 6 as the industry’s newest standard which was previously known as 802.11ax. Meant to simplify and…

Small Business IoT | Sierra Wireless

While the Internet of Things (IoT) is often thought to be something for large enterprises, small/medium businesses (SMBs) can also benefit from deploying IoT networks. There are already millions of IoT devices in use for applications as diverse as fleet tracking, EV charging, vending, smart lockers, energy delivery, video surveillance, environmental control, customer traffic analysis,…